Assisiting Activites

The following positions and activities are staffed primarily by volunteers and are very vital in the support of church worship services, and most require volunteers for services throughout the year. Individuals may volunteer for a number of Sundays in a row and then not for some months, while others prefer to participate on different Sundays and different activities throughout the year or wait to be called.

If you are unsure of how you might be able to participate, please ask. You will be trained and allowed to participate with another experienced volunteer before you do the task alone.


It’s no secret that one of the attracting features for guests and new members, as well as regular members, is the warmth of the welcome received when visiting a church. We provide a warm welcome to all King of Kings members and visitors when they walk through the front doors. Individuals in the Greeter/Host volunteer positions stand at the three front doors before each service and greet all those who enter. For guests and new members they provide basic information and directions as necessary. Greeter/Host is a great way to meet members you don’t know and to ease into other volunteer activities.


A minimum of two ushers are needed at each service every Sunday. Ushers help with seating, service materials (bulletin) distribution, offering collection, communion access for members, and other activities as required by the pastor. Training is provided with an experienced usher team.

Assisting Minister/Cantor

This volunteer assists the congregation with the liturgy and prayers during each service. Those assisting in this capacity do not have to sing but those feeling comfortable enough are welcomed to do so. Pastor will train new volunteers as well as coach them before and during the service.

Communion Assistant

Two communion assistants are needed for each service. Along with the pastor and assisting minister, each volunteer participates in the sacrament of communion by distributing either the bread or wine to those receiving communion. Volunteers receive training. This is a wonderful gift to give your fellow church members and can be a very moving experience for the one distributing the body and blood of Jesus Christ..


In 4th grade, King of Kings youth can begin to volunteer as the Acolyte who lights the candles on the altar at the beginning of each service and extinguishes them at the end. The acolyte also helps collect the congregation’s offering by presenting it to the Lord. Pastor works with new youth volunteers to insure they are comfortable with this activity. Yes, in the absence of youth at some of the services, adults perform those activities.

Lay Reader

This is an activity that is not only important in each service, but provides a wonderful opportunity for individual direct involvement in the service. Readers read the ‘First Reading,’ and then read the ‘Second Reading’ after the Psalm of the day. Readers should have a clear voice and have reviewed the readings before the service. The readings are available in the office the week before the Sunday of the reading.

Drama Team

Drama Team members are available for activities throughout the year as determined by pastor, the Director of Lay Ministry, summer Day Camp activities, or the Sunday School activities coordinator. No special talent needed, just a desire to participate!

Living Nativity

For two days shortly before Christmas, King of Kings provides for the Pueblo community the popular ‘Living Nativity’ on the church grounds. The nativity is supported by church participants and others who volunteer to: portray a character in the nativity; help with the set-up and tear-down crews; provide soup, cookies and warm drinks for participants and visitors; read the Christmas story as provided by the church. The only experience necessary is the desire to have a good time and share the birth of Christ with the Pueblo community.